
WordPress Plugins

Using WordPress plugins to enhance aesthetics and expand functionality of the site.

WordPress plugins are essential to building a unique and enjoyable website. They add functionality to the website and can enhance overall aesthetics. WordPress offers a wide range of plugins that can cover most of what you can imagine.

This website uses the following plugins:

Google Fonts

The Google Fonts plugin has been used to customise fonts. The default font family has been changed to Montserrat.

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics plugin is used to monitor site traffic and how visitors interact with content.

Contact Form 7

The Contact Form 7 plugin can be seen in the ‘Contact’ page and was used to create the contact form.

Yoast SEO

The Yoast plugin is used for search engine optimisation and is frequently referred to while creating posts.


Stackable has been used all over the website to help create dynamic text and photo layouts.


The Wordfence plugin is used to increase site security.

The above image shows an example of how the Stackable plugin was used. In the Work page, it split a section of the page into three columns. The columns are then split again in 2: half for an image and half for descriptions.

Lastly, the image above shows the Yoast plugin in the backend when editing posts and pages. ‘Readability analysis’ has played a big role when writing content.